college station, texas artinya
- college station, texas
- college: kolej; maktab; perguruan tinggi; college; kolese;
- texas: texas; lone-star state
- southeast university chengxian college station: stasiun kampus universitas tenggara chengxian
- college: kolej; maktab; perguruan tinggi; college; kolese; akademi; institut; universitas
- college boy: mahasiswa
- college degree: gelar sarjana
- college graduate: sarjana
- college man: mahasiswa
- college of arms: lembaga lambang
- college of bishops: dewan uskup
- college of cardinals: dewan kardinal; kolej kardinal; daftar kardinal
- college student: mahasiswa
- college town: kota perguruan tinggi
- community college: perguruan tinggi setempat
- dartmouth college: kolej dartmouth; perguruan tinggi dartmouth